
We should not put all eggs in one basket i.e. not all our money in one single investment product or category. Distributing our investments into poorly correlated asset classes often saves us from big losses and is expected to generate a steady return. Asset allocation has to be re-aligned or re-allocated at regular intervals. There are investment products available which aim to inculcate this very principle of asset allocation in the way they are managed. Otherwise, custom asset allocation can always be done.

Our consultants make it a top priority to first calculate your tax liability and then look for ways to save tax while achieving various financial goals. Businesses and individuals pay the lowest amount of taxes allowable by law because we continually look for ways to minimize your taxes throughout the year and not just at the end of the year.

With the growing complexity and diversity of available options for tax planning purposes, it is important that we critically examine and bring across to you all the options available in the present investment market to optimize post tax return and choose the most suitable for you so that you live a stress-free life.

Some common tax saving options available for individuals can be exercised while planning the below mentioned activities:

Creation of long-Term wealth
Taking life insurance cover
Opting for health insurance cover and health check-up
Availing home loan for buying property
Getting higher education financed for self/children through education loan
Donating for a charitable cause